
Let go of Fear and People-Pleasing!

Let go of Fear and People-Pleasing! 150 150 Paula

Let go of Fear and People-Pleasing!

It’s a natural feeling to want to be accepted by other people or to feel part of a group but this behavior can often leave you full of fear and constantly trying to people please. This is a behavior that can be taught as young as a child and be carried over into our adult life. We want others to like us, and if they start to be mean or distant towards us we often don’t understand why. Or maybe you are like me and were raised by a parent who intimidated you into submission, you weren’t allowed to express how you truly felt and no matter what you did you were always wrong. Most people who struggle with people-pleasing usually have a deeper-rooted problem. There is an underlying fear base issue going on and until we get to the bottom of that we will never find our true self. I would like to share with you some tips that helped me to get free from people-pleasing, it takes a lot of daily practice. I love the words of Joyce Meyers, “do it afraid.” There are times where I have had to tell people “no” or tell people “that doesn’t work for me” and it was scary at first. What you have to understand is your true friends will stick around and be understanding. The friends or family members who get mad at you, there is nothing you can do about it and that is not your responsibility. We have to get to a place in our life where we are not allowing other people to control our life. Plus, you will never be able to please everybody.




  • Ask God to show you where the fear is coming from. 
  • If this is a real problem for you, consider getting professional help to pinpoint the cause.
  • Start using your voice more often by expressing how you feel. This can be scary at first.
  • Learn to say No, more often. No is a complete sentence.
  • Take time to discover who you are as a person. What interest you? What are your values? How do you like to dress?
  • If you say yes to something and get resentful later, its okay to back out. Everyone over commits.


I hope you find this helpful!






I can remember back to when I was a teen mom and always feeling overwhelmed. It was not easy being a young mom. Especially, when most of my friends were hanging out all the time and having fun without me. It felt like I would never see the day again in where I would get a break. But here I am 24 years later and life has changed so much. What I thought back then was hard, I can say today it was worth it all. The time went so fast, at least that is how I feel now.

I wanted to share one of my most recent facebook post with you for some encouragement. Also, below you will find some tips that might be helpful to being a young mommy. Today my son is 24 and he is my personal trainer. (Who would of ever imagined?)

Few tips for the young moms:

  1. Pray and ask God to give you strength daily
  2. Even though it’s not easy, enjoy the process of being a young mommy
  3. Try to find new friend’s who understand or might be a mommy too
  4. Know that this season isn’t forever, it really does go quick
  5. Maybe find a friend or babysitter who is safe and can give you a break once in while
  6. If you are unsure about something when raising your baby, google search or don’t be afraid to ask around


This picture makes my heart melt.

Son, As you were training me today, putting your hand on my shoulder to adjust my form, giving me that look that I need to push myself harder, you made me think, it was worth it all. Even though I was scared at 16 to be your mommy and our favorite dinners were Doritos, banana muffins, and chocolate milk sitting on the couch way past your bedtime, I think we are alright! Thank you Jesus for your hand of protection.

Feeling Tired? Let’s Chat About Self-Care!

Feeling Tired? Let’s Chat About Self-Care! 150 150 Paula

Let’s chat about a subject that is often confused as selfishness….. What’s your guess? If you thought self-care you are absolutely right! I struggled with feelings of low-self worth and exhaustion all the time and I had NO CLUE WHY! It wasn’t until I really slowed down and started to examine my life. So I thought I would share some tips or strategies that I learned.

img_2870 1. If you are a mom, you set the tone for the whole family. If you are not taking care of you, it is so much harder to take care of others. Your HEALTH should be top priority. Some of the things I do to help myself are meal plan, drink water and move the body daily.

2. You DON’T have to return every text message or email and you don’t have to answer every phone call. What happen to the days of answer machines, where you waited until you were home to return a call?

3. What do you do for fun or relaxation? Take time daily to take a little break. It could be a cat nap, a bath at the end of the day or reading after the kids are in bed.

4. This one really HELPED me….Take occasional social media fast. What I learned when I did this, is that I had so much more time. Also, I learned who I really was as a person and stopped doing what everybody else was doing.

5. When someone ask you a question, especially your children, you don’t have to give an answer right away. Take time to evaluate the situation to see if it works for you. These are just some tips that I hope you find helpful.

Oh, and I thought this photo was appropriate because it’s how I feel most the time. If you don’t accept me for me then DEUCES!! Paula #momlife #selfcare #dueces #freedom #selflove