Change is Never Easy

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]What should you do when you feel like God is calling you to make a change? When I felt God was calling me to leave my job so I could speak and write a book it was one of the most confusing, depressing, and sometimes even isolating times of my life. And some days it can still feel that way. But I am happy to announce I am getting very close to the finish line with my first book. I say first book because I am not sure if I will write another one. I am working with my publisher now to do all the fine-tuning, which is intense editing, formatting, and book cover, etc.

My book will be released fall of 2019.

In the spring of 2014 when I left my job as a Weight Watchers Leader where I was teaching weight loss classes, I felt like God was calling me to make a change and go deeper. What little did I know this change over the last five years would be a stripping season of many things in my life like friendships and unhealthy behaviors.  I went through a maturing process while I allowed God to expose some things in my life. I am very grateful that God deals with us in private and not in the public eye for everyone to see. And please don’t get me wrong when I share this with you. I am still a work in progress.

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Some of the things that had to change over the past five years were my circle of friends and how I chose to react to certain circumstances. It was not easy at first but looking back now I am grateful for this season of growing and be stripped of things that I thought I needed. I have had to learn to surround myself with the core people who believed in what God is calling me to do.  I share this with you because I am sure some of you can relate.

One of the things that I am constantly practicing is to be confident in knowing that God has called me to speak and write my book, Cross Addicted– How to Heal from Trauma and Addiction. Along the way He has giving me little glimpse of confirmation that I am on the right path. But just so you know there were many days where I felt like God was silent. What I’ve learned through all of this is I believe God wants us to walk by faith and walking by faith calls us to believe in our hearts what God has called us to do. We have to learn the daily self-discipline of following through whether people are cheering us on or not.

So you might be thinking how do you know what God is calling you to do?

When God speaks something into your heart I want you to believe it as crazy as it sounds. Then find your core people who will believe in you. When doubt sets in or things get tough don’t shrink back or forget the promise he gave you. And always remember His timing is perfect timing! Trust the process!


Paula Jauch is a motivational speaker and writer dedicated to helping others break free from life-controlling situations. She loves encouraging her audience to live a life of freedom in Christ. She is in the process of writing her first book about her own healing and recovery process to offer hope to the hurting. Connect with Paula at or @ on Facebook and Instagram.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

2 Responses

  1. Thank you for being faithful to your calling. You are an inspiration ❤️

    1. Thank you my friend! I’ve had so many faithful people like you along the journey to encourage me!