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I Don’t Need My Spouse to Complete Me

I Don’t Need My Spouse to Complete Me 150 150 Paula
As I write this blog, I do it out of love to help those who may be struggling in relationships. And I am hopeful it will help someone today….
Everything I post is to encourage with love. ?
Before I met my husband I was crying out to God to fix me, and ‘I took the necessary action steps needed’ in order to succeed. I didn’t wait for my husband to complete me, even though today he does in so many ways. ( I would of in the past..)
When my husband came along without me looking, it took away all the fears of is this going to work, because I knew deep down inside I would be okay with or without him. So for those of you who feel lost, broken, lonely, single, or struggling in your marriage, what can you do to become a better person from the inside out? Start by asking God this question. ~Paula
Here are some steps that might help you on your journey…
1. Reach out to a friend and let them know you are struggling.
2. Find a good counselor.
3. Learn to spend time alone with God, and sit in your uncomfortableness.
4. Trust God to fulfill all your needs.
I know this post was short and sweet, but I am hopeful you will find it helpful!

God Can Free You From Addiction

God Can Free You From Addiction 150 150 Paula

There is a saying that I hear often…” you will get double for your trouble. “

In the midst of my pain, and when I was struggling to get free from my pain and addictions, there was no way I could believe my life could get better. I felt heavy and overwhelmed all the time and everything in my life was suffering. My finances were a mess, my children were out of control, and my relationships were failing because I had no boundaries put in place.


My life was a complete disaster. I had every excuse possible to stay in my addiction, but I wanted out. I didn’t want to remain the same, so with God’s help I kept fighting. I kept seeking, I kept crying, and I kept feeling my feelings.

Isaiah 61:8 “For I, the Lord, love justice. I hate robbery, and wrongdoing. I will faithfully reward my people for their suffering and make an everlasting covenant with them. NLT

What do you need to believe God for today?

Surrender your life to him, he is faithful. Don’t allow shame and guilt to hold you back anymore!

What My Nephews Disability taught Me

What My Nephews Disability taught Me 960 960 Paula

The world tells my nephew he has a disability, but after getting to witness him marry his bride this weekend-I actually think those of us who live without a labeled disability are the ones with a disability. We live with such limited beliefs, constantly caring what the world thinks of us, obsessed with our looks, or focused on the next level of success. We are the ones missing out, not my nephew with Down Syndrome. He is present at every moment, constantly happy with a smile on his face, wears whatever he feels like, never judges others and full of love. I’m in tears this morning asking Jesus to help me live like my nephew with a so called disability. Thank you Michael and Jessica Sharkey for being my teachers this weekend!! By the way as I was leaving this weekend he asked for this big hug. ❤️#downsyndrome